Simultaneously reduce fat, tighten skin and target cellulite with the Exilis Ultra 360 by BTL. If you are bothered by loose skin, cellulite dimples and excess fat but are uninterested in surgical remedies, then you may be a candidate for Exilis Ultra 360 treatments. At Beata Aesthetics, we are proud to offer FDA-approved Exilis Ultra 360 treatments, alongside patient-centered care and our compassionate staff.
Exilis Ultra 360 can target a wide range of aesthetic concerns in one comprehensive treatment, including:
Exilis Ultra 360 treatments are gentle and versatile, benefiting patients of all body types, skin tones and ages. Appointments are comfortable and painless, with no anesthesia or pain medication needed.
The Science Behind Exilis Ultra 360
Exilis Ultra 360 is the only FDA-approved device on the market to use both radiofrequency (RF) and ultrasound technology, doubling the benefits of treatments that opt for one or the other. The combination of these two technologies means loose skin, stubborn fat deposits and unsightly cellulite can be targeted all at once.
During treatment, the superficial layers of the skin and deep layers of fat are warmed to both stimulate collagen and elastin production and shrink fat cells. A built-in cooling mechanism holds and maintains the optimal temperature throughout the procedure, ensuring complete safety and precise results.
With different sized applicators and a variety of interchangeable tips, Exilis Ultra 360 can be used effectively on all areas of the body, including the:
At the office of Magdy Nasra MD PC, we are committed to providing our patients with individualized treatment backed by a friendly and welcoming staff. We offer a wide range of services and treatments all designed to help you look and feel healthier from the inside out. We understand that no two patients are alike, and Dr. Nasra will take the time to listen to your concerns and personalize treatment according to your needs.
We come equipped with over 20 years of combined experience, knowledge of the latest developments in internal medicine and a genuine passion for what we do. With Exilis Ultra 360 treatments, we hope to help you feel more confident in your skin without resorting to overly-invasive procedures.
Unlike comparable treatments that can cause irritation and bruising, Exilis Ultra 360 does not result in any adverse side effects or require any downtime. Results are visible after the first treatment and continue to improve for three months. We recommend a series of four to six sessions spaced about one week apart for most patients and will help you determine a treatment plan right for your goals. By living a healthy lifestyle and following our aftercare instructions, you can expect to enjoy your improved look for years to come.
At Beata Aesthetics, we understand that loose skin, cellulite, and unwanted fat can have a harmful effect on your self-esteem. If a noninvasive, painless procedure to address all of your cosmetic concerns at once interests you, then schedule a consultation with the team to discuss Exilis Ultra 360. Call us today at (732) 838-3500 to book your appointment at our office located in Little Silver, New Jersey.